Circular food production

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Circular food production . . . . . . . . . .

Backing sustainability with innovation.


The future of food

In the next decade alone, demand for protein to feed the planet will increase by more then 20%. Our linear, resource depleting food system simply cannot sustain this. Insects can help us create a circular food supply - just as nature intended. 

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Bugs Make Life Better 

KarmaNutra is working with leading scientists and universities and 5 marginalised indigenous communities in the last significant tropical rainforest left in the Northern Hemisphere, to improve livelihoods with a sustainable insect-based supply chain. 

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Harnessing Waste 

Insects are nature's greatest up-cyclers. They can turn almost any organic waste stream into valuable food. Cereal waste can be efficiently converted to nutritious biomass to feed our animals, with biofertiliser and even biodiesel as by products.  

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The future of everything

Insects aren't only useful to help combat nutrition. Once proteins and fats are removed for food or feed - what's left is proving just as interesting. Insect exo-skeleton's contain Chitin - one of the world's most useful natural polymers...

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*Bichos Para Mejorar La Vida is a landmark project in Chiapas Mexico, for SADER - Secretaria de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural. KarmaNutra is assisting a local non-profit to design the project, assemble the scientific team, and co-ordinate the research. A decision may be made in Q4 2023 for a potential Q2 2024 start.